Хижина дяди Сталкера


Итак, чудо свершилось — вышла новая версия FireArms. Список изменений таков:
-Prone in water fixed
-Team chat bug fixed
-Chat at game end enabled
-Skill revisement for Rank Advance rules (Now all skills are available at rank advance)
-Master Menu button highlighting with sound effect
-Skill selection menu on sv_useskills 2 redone to remove skill when selected
-Field Medicine abilities condenced to one easy command (useskill treat)
-Downed soldiers can become casualties for medics to treat for extra points
-Capturing all points when a force is out of reinforcements will now end the game
-Garbage on Score Panel for Observers and Spectators fixed
-M11 Akimbos recoded to reduce lag (Fire = One at a time, Alt Fire = Both)
-Shotgun tweaks
-Claymore a bit more potent
-Claymores removed when player changes team
-Fixed prone in door bug with sound crashes
-Fixed sandbag poof crashes
-Leader and Medic skins
-Polished models
-Updated sounds
-Pistols tweaked (A bit more usefull now)
-New arm models on view weapons

Скачать Windows патч 2.1->2.2 (5.2 Мб) можно: здесь, здесь и здесь.
Скачать Windows полную версию (40 Мб): здесь.

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